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Natureview tan

Top sales list natureview tan

South Africa
Shipped from us within 3 - 5 working days! Please take note: Images provided are for illustration purposes only and actual products might differ slightly. All product information is obtained directly from our suppliers. We cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions (E&OE). If you would like to confirm details on any product please give us a call or pop us an email. Bushnell take pride in the fact that they have enriched lives all over the world with their outdoor products. They have been the industry leader in sport optics and outdoor accessories for over 50 years. Bushnell dedicate themselves to emerging technology, leading edge design and performance innovation making them one of the most reputable companies in the world. The Bushnell Natureview 8x42 binoculars have been specifically designed for serious birders and naturists. Because of the ultra close-focus capability you will get very close up and intimate viewing while at the same time the extended eye relief reduces eyestrain for spectacle wearers during long period of observation. All outdoor lovers of all ages will enjoy the bright, sharp views in most evironments. Bushnell Natureview 8x42 Tan Roof Binoculars Features: Magnification x Objective lens: 8x42 Size Class: Standard Focus System: Centre Prism System: Roof Prism Glass: BaK-4 Close Focus: 1.7 m Lens Coating: Fully Multi-coated Field of view (@ 1000 m): 131 m Exit Pupil (mm): 6 mm Eye Relief: 17.5 mm Eye cups: Twist-up Water- and fogproof Weight: 654 grams Colour: Tan
R 3.249
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