How to cut 500 calories a day very easily?

23 July 2014 · Laurene


Cutting 500 calories a day is easy and effortless. It can seems not much but at the end of the week you will cut 3500 calories a week.


women eating


To lose weight you just have to make small changes in your daily life. If you follow these advices, you will manage to cut 500 calories a day very easily:

Cut visible fat from your meat before cooking it. This way you won’t be tented to eat it.

Don’t eat watching TV.  It is known that people eat more in front of the television.

Stop drinking soda. Sodas are made of a lot of sugar is used in the making of soda. It is better to drink water and low calorie beverages.

Try to eat gluten free. Eating gluten free reduce calories a lot. Think that regular piece of bread comes with an average of 120 calories.

Eliminate cream sauce. They are very high on fat. Use instead tomato sauce or vinaigrette.

Stop having deserts every day. Reserve it for special days and occasions.

Whatever you eat, always have vegetables with your meal, on the side.

Use smaller plates. Eating in small plates helps you to eat less. 


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